
SRI SHARADA VIDYA NIKETANA is nestled in the pristine location, over looking ISRO layout, away from the hustle and bustle of the city. Located on a 8098 Sq.mts. of land, the school is set up in a serene and tranquil surrounding. The attractive ambience and tranquility ensures creative thinking in the students.

The building here seamlessly blends with the environment, most conducive for the creative thinking, exploration and growth of the children. The campus can also be a great source of education where each child along with the teacher will be engaged in various land related activities.

Like planting saplings, growing vegetables, herbs and pulses and study bio-diversity.It will be a privilege for our students to share the campus with various birds and animals . which makes their journey in the learning an exciting and joyful one..

The colourful, airy and bright classrooms are the hall mark of our institution. The smart boards equipped with interactive software further supplement class room teaching.

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